It’s not often that we run into a creative talent that excels in so many different realms. But that’s exactly what Michael Pijanowski does – he doesn’t just dabble in his creative outlets, he’s not a jack of all trades and master of none… he’s actually adept at myriad creative callings, including playing guitar, acting, singing, cooking, writing film scripts, and painting. I first met Michael when he opened Europa restaurant on Elmwood Avenue. I loved the restaurant so much that I got engaged there. Over the years, Michael has embarked upon his fair share of business projects, but as of late he has been carving out time for his creative outlets. The result is an upcoming art show at The Terrace at Delaware Park.
How long have you been painting?
Since the late 80s. I was inspired after a trip to the Worcester Art Museum in Massachusetts. When I got back home, I bought paints and canvas and started. I’m an autodidact, for better or worse.
What is your inspiration?
The physical world, nature, music, landscapes, cityscapes, the night sky, large bodies of water, quantum physics, unnameable things, the mysteries of time, very large numbers and concepts like infinity.
Painting or filming or cooking? Which do you enjoy most, and why?
Writing was and is my primary mode of expression. Painting is second. Filming has not happened due to the collaborative nature of the beast, but I wrote five scripts I’m itching to direct. I still love to cook for loved ones, but don’t do it much professionally. You didn’t ask about music, but I sing and compose and mess around on the guitar and bass when no one is around. I acted for a while, too. All forms of creative expression are essential to me. They all seem to originate from and feed back into different quadrants of my brain. There are times when I cannot put a word on paper, and then I know I should pick up a brush or do something else. It has taken me a long time to realize that I can’t deny any of my creative impulses, and that I don’t have to pick one at the expense of all others. I was told to pick one and focus. Couldn’t do it. But writing and painting are essential. I am an introvert/extrovert (among other dualities), but the part of my ego that wants to go up on stage and perform has been mostly quiet. Until recently…
What subject matter do you like painting?
That which does not exist, or has existed somewhere in the universe, or a landscape. The human figure has rarely entered my paintings… until recently…
Where did you learn how to paint?
Self taught plus a thousand visits to the Albright Knox.
Did it come naturally?
Yes, I think so, I don’t know. No.
Have you shown in Buffalo before?
Yes, but it has been a while.
What’s in store for your world of painting in the future?
For once, I actually have a plan for several series of works, which is not normal, I usually create spontaneously. But I also have several other projects in store: a book of poems, short stories, a sculpture, some music projects, and a couple short films.
What painter do you admire?
Willem DeKooning, Anselm Kiefer, Gerhard Richter, Edouard Vuillard, Joan Miro, so many. But I really like Lee Krasner, and she had to work in the shadow of Pollock, she doesn’t get enough credit.
How often do you paint?
Almost every day. I have a daily ritual, writing early in the morning, painting after. It could change, depending on here my head is. The best work is done early in the morning or after 7 p.m.
What do you like most about painting?
When I am transported in the process, and time collapses. The zone is place of wonder and beauty. When I leave the studio, colors are vibrant, almost forceful…
The Art of Abstraction and Landscape in a Picturesque City Setting
“Abstraction/Landscape” by Michael Pijanowski will feature works in oil, acrylic and mixed media
Opening reception Friday, March 22, 2019, at The Terrace in Delaware Park, 199 Lincoln Parkway, Buffalo, NY
Reception begins at 7 pm
The exhibit will run through Friday, April 19, 2019
The exhibition will showcase works that feature abstracted exterior landscapes and cityscapes as well as representations of the inner world
Works will be exhibited both upstairs in the main restaurant area and downstairs in the banquet area
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